Jay Deala


The urban desi phenom known as Jay Deala is ready, set and poised to take his rightful place as the first mainstream hip-hop artist from the Indian community in years. Inspired by mainstream pioneer artists such as Apache Indian and…

Gamble Will ‘Play The Hand Dealt’


Los Angeles artist, Gamble, has reeased his song “Play the Hand Dealt.”Gamble is one of the founding members of Bengali Crown Family which is the biggest collective of Bengali artists on the West Coast. Showcasing his solo talent, “Play the Hand…

When Desi Hip Hop met ‘The Machine’


Music is beyond logic and reasoning, it’s beyond comprehension and understanding, well mostly. Now there are lyrics being written by Google’s Artificial Intelligence music programme. It is definitely beyond comprehension and understanding but leaps into the future of how music…

Bangalore tunes in to Rap Wars


Bangalore, India — The preliminary rounds for Rap Wars, a nationwide rap battling competition, kick started in Bangalore. Rap Wars is one of the biggest events at Oasis, the second largest cultural fest in India. On May 29, some of the the…

Mumbais Finest stands up to it’s name


Every year Radio city freedom awards is held by Radio city to recognize some of the best Independent musicians from all over the country. This year it was a clean sweep by Mumbai’s finest who bagged 3 awards in the…

2015 in the Rear-view for Desi Hip Hop


2015 has been just the perfect year for Desi Hip Hop. It involved several videos, music, gigs and events which laid down the foundation for 2016. 2016 is ours…..2016 will be the year of Desi Hip Hop. Slowly and steadily…

Baatcheet – Badshah


Badshah recently released, “Baatcheet” and boy oh boy, so many mouth have been shut. This audio was really needed to restore faith in Badshah as a rapper. Badshah has been recently involved in tons and tons of Bollywood movies and…

Rappers from Mumbai & Bangalore Unite


Rappers from Mumbai & Bangalore Unite at TheHummingTree History was created this Saturday on June 20, 2015  in Bengaluru at The Humming Tree, where all the known artists from from this city and Mumbai came up together and rocked the show….