B Magic and Humble the Poet ‘Work My Magic’


B Magic and Humble the Poet have collaborated to create the new song “Work My Magic.” These two acts are certainly working their magic on Hip-Hop fans as each acts’ popularity continues to grow and their music quality continues to…

Humble the Poet Featured in Rolling Stone India


Humble the Poet is a Canadian Hip-Hop artist with a lot of local support. As Humble’s music is reaching the masses, media is paying more and more attention. Today, Humble the Poet finds himself featured by in Rolling Stone India…

Humble The Poet’s ‘Baagi Music’ Hits MTV Iggy


Humble the Poet is a Canadian rapper who has been catching the attention of plenty of people on the Desi music scene. With a bit of love from media and plenty more from fans, Humble has hit a new milestone…

Humble the Poet to Perform in London


Humble the Poet will be peforming live at the Grande Finale to the Golden Temple Exhibition in Central London on Sunday, September 25. The performance will touch upon various topics relevant to Punjabis living worldwide; the common theme will be…

Push Disses Humble the Poet


Boys don’t always play nice and this time Push is making it personal! Rapper Push is not impressed with rapper Humble the Poet and dedicates “John (Humble the Poet Diss)” to his feelings. http://youtu.be/LiU7kWkDh1E This Bay Area rapper has had…

Humble the Poet


Humble The Poet is a Toronto Bred MC/Spoken Word Artist who aura embodies the diversity and resiliency of one of the World’s most diverse cities. From his appearance to the myriad of topics and taboo addressed in his work, Humble…

Humble’s New Book “UnLearn” is Out Now!


Humble the Poet’s book is out now. The man’s truly an inspiration with all of the work that he constantly does. You really wonder how much artistic work he puts out constantly? Click Here, and you’ll get a good idea…