Mandeep Sethi Supports Sikh Coalition’s 5K for 5Ks

West coast rapper Mandeep Sethi spends plenty of time on his music, but also gives back to his community. Mandeep was recently spotted supporting The Sikh Coalition as he attended and supported their 5K for 5Ks event.

The Sikh Coalition’s 5K for 5Ks is a walk-a-thon that raises funds to help create a
Sikh-friendly America as well as to eliminate discrimination against Sikhs. September 17 marked the first ever walk-a-thon and the community came together for a great cause.

Total donations are currently just over $44,000 which is a significant amount of

Mandeep Sethi and Baagi at 5K for 5K

money, withthis being just the beginning, The Sikh Coalition can proudly say that they are making an impact.

The Sikh Coalition has a number of services including providing direct legal services to persons whose civil or human rights are violated, advocating for law and policies that are respectful of fundamental rights, and promoting appreciation for diversity through education.

Check out the footage of Mandeep Sethi performing at the 5K for 5Ks event and get involved!