Importance of an MC – The G-Host Report 3
Failures define us, and they make us what we are. The third edition of the Hum Hip Hop Project started with the turn tables suddenly crashing for DJ Lethal A. For a second, it was almost like everything was lost. How were we going to cover up? Before my brain could think, I called Sai Menon – URMI and Slyck TwoShadez up on stage and we went straight Acapella. The audience “listened”, then the audience went all wild. A large part of HHHP has been focusing on the MC part of Hip Hop, our faith saved us. Inspite of minor set backs, this could easily be one of the best shows we have done under the HHHP. Time and again, it was proven that Failure is the stepping stone to success.
Just after the STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON movie that we screened at HHHP, I felt cold feet. Will we be able to match up to the hype the movie created at the start of the event? The hype that got a ~60 Year old man at the event? The hype that led to more that 120+ people on a Wednesday night?
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy
Watch Promo Video of Hum Hip Hop Project Edition 3
The real trick was, not to over-think it. We had to believe that Hip Hop was in our blood, its what we loved. Hip Hop saved me that night. Vachan Chinnappa bombed one of the craziest old school Hip Hop sets, Urmi lit up the stage, Young dirrt “trapped” the audience and Slyck problem solved. The show was so beautiful that we had random dancers in the audience go crazy, everything from twisting arms to breaking legs. Clocking the highest audience in the HHHP yet, the third edition proved to be a mixture of so many emotions, tension and a whole lot of Happiness. Watching this baby grow makes me realise how small we are in this game, yet can cause impact so big. Big Shout outs to Suvan Mathur of the Humming Tree, for being so awesome despite of his busy schedule, i’ve seen the dude shed tears of blood this time.
As it might have been noticed already, each edition of the Hum Hip Hop Project takes a higher rise on the graph. Thats what we aim at, the next edition will feature a massive surprise. To better times, to more Hip Hop and a whole bunch of love.
Its your boy Smokey the Ghost