We at DesiHipHop.com have always stood behind our claim of unity through HipHop and “Sounds From Underground” is our latest effort at it. Last year GHAURI previously known by stage name BCL Blade in association with DesiHipHop.com, hosted one of a kind online drop-a-verse competition in which desi rappers from across the globe participated with more than 200 entries. He took best verses from the competition and came out with this track called “Sounds From Underground” and as promised by DesiHipHop.com this winners track will win global distribution of this track by us and full track produced, mixed mastered by GHAURI.
The winners are in and they are :
2.Nu Zane
3.Abdullah Malik
4.Kiat Singh
I had a brief conversation with all of the winners and it went something like this.

This is what Rapo had to say about the competition.
Q1. When did Rapo start rapping ?
A1. I have been in music since I was so young but in my high school I felt I can do it like why not hah! so I’m here.
Q2. What got you to try and take a part in this competition ?
A2. Actually when i heard about it i feel happy cuz these kinda things can make our Hip Hop rich like a lot of boys don’t have things to make music so if Bcl is doin such kinda thing so i personally feel we should support the Event so a friend told me about this event so i record my verse and i upload just to tell others about this Event to aware them about Hip Hop that’s it!
Q3. Did you think you will be winning ?
A3. Haha nah maaan cuz i personally wrote Bcl that i don’t made my verse to Win. i just upload my verse to kinda promote this Event cuz i already have all those things to make music so i told him try to give an opportunity to others guys who don’t know shit about it but if he still think i deserve this so i’m happy to know that..!

I had a short dialogue with Nu Zane as well.
Q1. How does it feel to have been one of the winners of the sounds of the underground ?
A1. It feels great man,i mean i wrote this particular rap one night before release date,i mean i slept around 5am that night.Its totally worth the wait and my hardwork.It feels great that I’m the only one selected from India.
Q2. What prompted you to take part in the first place ?
A2. One of my friend told me about this competition one day before,and told me that winners will get promotions from desi hip hop,i really needed that promotion so i just made my mind to do somethin’ extraordinary.
Q3. What is Nu Zane currently involved in ?
A3. I’m currently involved in my own music,writing raps which are going to be released soon.Plus working and studying all at the same time.

Abdullah Malik also passed his views on the competition.
Q1. When did Abdullah Malik start rapping ?
A1. I didn’t particularly start rapping. I was just making music and that is what i am doing now but of course, My love for Hip Hop has grown immense and i am a Hip Hop fanatic now. So yeah! I started making music back when i was 11.
Q2. What got you to try and take part in the competition ?
A2. Being really Honest, ‘SHIT ENTRIES’. I saw a lot of wack ass entries. I got a little frustrated being a DESI HIP HOP fanatic and i wanted to show that this is not what Pakistani or Desi Hip Hop is about.
Q3. Did you think you will be winning?
A3. Not at all and that is because i didn’t enter to win. As you can see, I already told you why i took part in the first place. The other reason was to support the movement and BCL Blade. Peace Out!

I caught up with Kiat Singh to get his perspective as well.
Q1. Wicked verse on the track, what is your writing procedure ?
A1. I write on mostly personal experiences like what my life went through & currently what’s going on with me etc. that’s how i come up with my writing producer.
Q2. What got you to take part in this ?
A2. one of my friend mentioned me in comment and checked out what it is , it was simply drop 16 bars on the beat. I liked the beat & my friends were keep asking me if i have submit the video yet or not . I wrote a verse for it , i wasn’t sure if i do it or not .At the very end of the day , when it was like 30 mins were left for submitting the videos. I made my mind to take a part of this competition and we recorded video and submit it .
Q3. Any message for your followers or Fans ?
A3. I want to give out this message, it doesn’t matter if person is big star and famous and that is the only person who is able to give you good songs with lyrics/flow etc . But people from underground they could be more talented. It could be anyone from any country. Everyone should not judge em as they’re starters or already done something .
And keep supporting new artists. We doing desi hip hop we will keep it 100.

This is what the Boss Man GHAURI had to say about the competition and the entire experience.
Q1. What got you to start this competition ?
A1. To be honest, I’ve been planning this competition for years.
I know it might sound corny but it is what it is, for purely love of hip hop and to get talented artist out from shadow and put them in lime-light. i know what it feels like being an upper comer artist having little or no resources to work with at the very beginning.
Q2. Who has the best verse on the track from a producers perspective ?
A2. All of these artists i pick for this compilation have best verses. had hard time to pick these guys for track i got like 150+ entries for this competition, narrowed down some entries for this track that i had in mind and result came out in the form of this track.
entries from bangladesh, states, pakistan, spain … in short i got participant desi rappers all over the globe. and even in this track i’ve Rapo from Barcelona, Spain, Kiat Singh from Queens, NYC, Abdullah Malik from Islamabad, Pakistan and Nu-Zane from Chandigarh,India.
Q3. What is Ghauri upto these days ?
A3. Apart from these freebies and production service giveaway competition, Im involved in alot of exciting projects that i can’t reveal at this moment. Some of these projects involve Rap Engineers, Suraj, Sultan, Enbe and Qzer. you might hear me rapping again too cause ‘DESI’ with my crew Peace Grip and ‘Maharaaj’ With Suraj was just a humble beginning.
But trust me, they are all worth the wait. as they say, best is yet to come.
Q4. Any message for fans or followers ?
A4. I want to take this moment to thank everyone who believed in me from the start and appreciated my art.
DesiHipHop congratulates all the winners and the soundtrack, “Sounds From Underground” will be available soon worldwide. Stay tuned.