Top 10 Songs – January 2014


After 7,643 Votes and hundreds of shares all over Facebook & Twitter, the Top 10 songs of January was selected by the users, fans, and supporters of Desi Hip Hop. Some of the artists were no surprises, but there were…

Top 10 Collabs of the Year!


The votes are in for the Top collboration songs of the year. The year was packed with some dope collabs, by numerous artists. From mainstream to underground, this list is full of talented musicians who gave it their best in 2013. After…

AO Featured on World Star Hip Hop!


Mr. Self Made, AO, has been really busy recently. He’s pushing for his clothing line, 3MG Apparel, and his music that he produces with his brother, Shay. And did I mention that he does all this while working a full…

Top 10 Most Viewed Desi Hip Hop Videos


When Bohemia jumped in with his first independent album in 2002, Vich Pardesan De, he quickly became popular among the listeners. Soon after, he went on to release the ‘first full-length rap album’.And, this was almost a decade after Panjabi…

Top 5 Young Desis About To Make the World Flip!


Desis all over the world impress me regularly with their crazy abilities. For real, when Desis enter any industry, its like we’re on a mission to take over. I can’t express how many times I’ve felt that in the DJ booth,…