North India, Especially Mohali is now witnessing the beef heating now a days between G Frekey of D-Beam and Sikandar kahlon of KKG(kala kurta gang).
As per the facts, G Frekey Firstly ignitedthe beef in the Cypher DRS Jam session by subliminally dissing Sikandar Kahlon :
[youtube id=”gWZlxRj39tM” width=”600″ height=”350″] .
Then Comes his video – DIRECT GAL. A diss video to the KKG’s Sikandar kahlon.
[youtube id=”PXkHDtiuII8″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
Responding to the dual attack, sikandar kahlon replied to the Diss in his new track “I’M Ready!” and Smashed it completely.
[youtube id=”0mwQSHLVkWw” width=”600″ height=”350″]