Note – Kauratan Music Video Out Now!


Here we have the 7th release from the KDM Mixtape, Note. This track also introduces the only female emcee in the roster, Kauratan.

kauratan note music video out kdm mixtape - haji springer
Kauratan – Note

Following the theme of misogyny and braggadocio, this track is also based on the very same. Kauratan has put out her hip-hop resume and tried to claim why it is important to make a ‘Note‘ about her. She definitely had made her presence with her previous releases such as ‘Invasion’, ‘Work it’ etc. It was probably her previous songs which got her under Bohemia’s radar.

The beat is made by Haji Springer and compliments her flow. The only complain one might have with the song, would be that maybe she lacks the conviction in her delivery at a few places but other than the track is a go ahead.