5 Ways Music Can Change Your Life

Music’s been in my headphones since I was a child. By now, it’s in my DNA, my blood flows with music. I bet my red blood cells are having a huge party inside my body with the loud music that I listen to. That’s who I am, and it makes me happy to be this way. It’s like a boost of positive energy, at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! So, what is it about music that makes people’s moods change so easily.

5 Ways Music Can Change Your Life

Starts From The Crib!

Music therapy can positively affect premature infants’ physiological stability, increase opportunities for bonding and attachment with caregivers, and provide appropriate developmental stimulation. Babies born before term are not as neurologically mature or physiologically stable as full-term babies. This makes it difficult for them to filter the vastly increased amounts of stimulation outside the womb.

Music Can Switch Your Mood Instantly!

When you need a break from a stressful situation or just want to try out a new relaxation method, listening to some powerful music can completely change your mood or mindset. Music therapy has been used for thousands of years as a way to restore energy, uplift the mood, and even help with the natural healing process.

Switch From Negative To Positive

Feeling down or stuck in a negative mood can take its toll on your stress levels and even make you physically ill. A low mood can take its toll on your day-to-day activities, but uplifting music can help you get out of that funk, fast. Inspirational music and “oldies” music with a fast beat can be a great pick-me-up when you’re having a tough day. If you can sing along to the song—even better! Just put together a playlist of songs on your computer or download a few uplifting tracks to your MP3 player or iPod so you always have something to count on when things get rough.

Relaxation Notes from the Far East

The Tibetan bowl is just one of several unique instruments used to create soothing sounds that can work wonders on your mood. Healing therapies from the Far East include music, aromatherapy, and bodywork; and the Tibetan bowl is commonly found in meditation rooms and relaxation rooms because they produce a complex set of sounds and help “clear” energy from the area.

The Effects of Classical Music

Music has been linked to memory and learning, and the complex melodies of classical music have proven to be particularly effective for relaxation and improving your retention rate.

Classical music can help improve your retention rate and learning abilities while studying; scientists explain that classical music scores from Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach release certain types of neurons into the brain which help the body relax. This makes you more receptive to learning and absorbing new information. When you’re having trouble studying or focusing, try turning on some classical music to get your brain on the right track.

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Thanks to the ladies at DivaVillage for inspiring this piece!