Why you hatin’ on Bohemia?!

Yo Yo Kirori Mal College & Mika Singh Paaji! – Why you hating on Bohemia?!

Earlier this month marked the season of College Fests all across India. These multi-day festivals, where the turnout is in the ten’s of thousands, are also quite competitive in nature. It’s the colleges reputation on the line to demonstrate who brings out the most acts, largest turnout, biggest artists. There are two such competitive colleges in New Delhi, Kirori Mal College (KMC) with their Renaissance 2014 fest and Hansraj College with their Confluence 2014 fest, both held on the same day. KMC’s Renaissance had Mika Singh on their mainstage while a little ways down the road, Hansraj’s Confluence brought out Bohemia. Now, we all know these two artists very well. They have huge followings on Facebook, each are genius’s in their own right and deserve all the respect & success in the world. Check out some pictures from both the performances:

Bohemia at Hanraj College:
As expected the Hansraj event was packed with crowds as far as the eye can see, phones in the air, fans trying to rush on stage to get closer to the ‘one man army’, Bohemia.  Later that day, Bohemia even went onto Facebook saying,

“I thank the Hansraj Student Union in Delhi and my team YS Events for putting on one of the best concerts I have ever performed at. What an awesome crowd you are! Love and respect to everyone that came and supported me, I’m truly humbled.

Here’s a video from Bohemia’s performance:

Now lets go over to Mika Singh at KMC:
kirori mal college, renaissance, mika singh

Ok, so we couldn’t find any pictures with Mika & the crowd, but again i’m sure the place was packed, crowd was drunk, people going crazy at Mika Singh’s performance.  But what happens the morning after doesn’t smell so good to DesiHipHop.com.


A PR campaign was released the next morning across media outlets titled “KMC Vs Hansraj fest: Mika pips Bohemia to madness”.

KMC Vs Hansraj fest: Mika pips Bohemia to madness


Basically they’re trying to say that Bohemia’s show sucked and Mika’s show was through the roof.  Now obviously we know that’s not true by simply looking at the pictures above…I’m sure both shows were packed as students went from one show during the day to another show at night – kinda like “frat party hopping”.

Someone, or some student union or some college decided to fund a marketing campaign to prove that KMC ‘s Renaissance was bigger than Hanraj’s Confluence.  So now what unfortunately happens is that the competition between the two colleges is going to cause issues or at least a little bit of tension between the two artists.  Not cool.

Oh and by the way, Rahul Kumar, your name is at the bottom of that smear campaign with you saying, “What a thanda show by this Bohemia Vohemia, jo bhi hai voh.Main to ab Mika paaji ke show me jhoomonga”.   Takes a lot of balls to go on record saying shit like that and risk having them chopped off!