Exclusive Interview : Sikander Kahlon
The fog outside didn’t allow me to see anything properly when i was rushing towards Sikander’s home. It was bit dark and the watch on my wrist was showing 6:47 pm. In nearly 13 minuets, i was at Sikander’s place. As i rang the bell Sikander himself came on the main door to get me inside. I along with Sikander went into the studio. I fathomed from the computer screen that Sikander was busy working on any song for the upcoming album.
Sikander was aware of the reason i came to his place, to interview him for DesiHipHop.com. We sat down in studio and Sikander began to finish up the work he was already doing. and by not taking so much time he finished up everything in about 5 minuets and moved his chair towards me. i didn’t waste much time and started my conversation for the interview and our conversation goes like this –
Why do you use your real name as your stage name?? why don’t you have any pseudonym like other rappers??
Because I Love It, I Thank My Elder Brother and Family For Giving me Such A Wonderful and UNIQUE Name.
SIKANDER KAHLON. its F***in Perfect!
Sikander’s Inspirations??
I’m Always Motivated By The Truth, Facts, Positivity And Making Money.
How do you decide the topics for your songs??
Lyrics Come From My Mind And Heart. So I Write About What My Eyes Have Seen, What I’m Watching And What I Dream About.
I Never Actually Plan To Do A Song, Its Always Unplanned. Its All About The Right Time And Right Mood.
How did you start this Rap and when??
I Started Listening Rap When I Was In 7th Grade or 6th, i dont remember, And Started Writing and Spiting In ’08-’09, I Was A Rookie In the Start Like Everybody.
Which was your first song??
haha, I Used To Spit In English Before I Was Getting Serious About Rap As My Career. But My First PUNJABI RAP was named Desi Put Jawan. It Was Recorded On Eminem’s Business Instrumental. And Don’t Try To Google It, Its Not On The Internet.
Your first collaboration??
[youtube id=”5S8z1hERT_4″ width=”600″ height=”350″]
My First Collab Was With a Crewmate Turned Friend Turned A Brother, Vansh Mankoo aka the ‘hk’. The Song Was ‘MOHALI SOULJAZ’
Formation of M-Brigade??
We Started M Brigade in ’09 i guess, me and hk formed it and later Navi Virk joined us, M Brigade’s First Name was M-BATTALION. but we decided to go with Brigade.
Why you and other members of M-brigade are not using the crew name anymore?? is that true that KKG has taken the place of MB?
No, That Can never happen. M Brigade will always have that PLACE in punjabi hip hop and in our lives. its just that Me, HK and Navi are So Saperated by our work and our daily routines. We meet but its hard to work like we used to work because of our personal commitments and plans. I am planning for an M Brigade Return, but I don’t want to rush it, I’m waiting for the right moment.
KKG (Kala Kurta Gang) And M-Brigade are two different things.
Formation of KKG?? How did you choose the members of KKG??
Kala Kurta Gang is actually a movement. it is a crew but mainly its a movement. a movement to keep punjabi culture alive in the Rap Scene.
I did’nt really choose members. I Mean, the guys who are in KKG are like my brothers. so it was all like KKG chose us. Me, Rob, Navi, Immortal, HK & Veer Karan are friends first and crewmates second.
It is hardly seen you producing any track of yours?? You learnt production and made sick beats in the starting but now it’s been really long time you havn’t produced any track of yours??
I Love producing. It’s just that I dont get time for production. Producing beats take more time and concentration than writing, recording etc.
Plus I dont want my album to sound monotonous. that’s why I took beats from different producers for Kahlon’s Laboratory (#KL2014), I’m Producing on KL though.
5 mixtapes in 3 Years! Is Sikander Kahlon an Almighty? How do you do it bro??
I’m no almighty, I just believe in Putting work in. I just make more and more songs keeping the quality in mind. The indian rap is at a point where we need MORE SONGS with GOOD QUALITY, and Thats what I’m focused on, Hip Hop Scene in india is too early to sit back and act like a Mogul already, We need MORE MUSIC.
How this idea to release a compilation of best songs by you came in your mind? This is something new for UnderGround HipHop.
Read More: Best of Sikander Kahlon Vol.1 powered by DesiHipHop.com
I did because I have way too many songs an artist can have in my age and in my time period. So this compilation is for my new fans or people who want to listen Sikander Kahlon. You don’t have to listen all 5 mixtapes. I just packed My favorite and public favorite moments in this compilation so that its easy for people to find my music and with a decent timeline.
How many new songs and Videos are in Pipeline?? and name them.
You just can’t imagine. 2014 will be Crazy for me. I got one music video droppin’ this jan only. It’s a song off Veer Karan’s debut upcoming album “Rags To Riches”. It’s Called HER SONG.
I got to know that the next project by you is an Album, Official album featuring some big names. put some limelight on it.
It’s too early to talk about it. I will shine a light on it when the time is right. It’s like 40% done right now. I’m trying to make magic on this one.
How Fateh came on board for this new project??
It’s just that REAL RECOGNIZE REAL. Me and Fateh gon’ kill the underground with that track. It’s called OVERTAKE, And it’s produced my boy Byg Byrd. It’s CRAAAAAZY.
What makes Sikander Kahlon Different from other rappers??
I think i’m carrying a different agenda, different type of lyricism and I’m more focused on keeping Hip Hop Culture alive in my songs rather just making club songs on candy ass beats and catchy hooks. I DO make club music with catchy hooks too but on some extent, only when needed.
Just Let Me complete #KL2014, It will be the answer.
Describe the Indian HipHop scenario according to you?? do you think it haven’t achieved that level it should have??
Its Growing, Slow or Fast I Don’t Know, but it’s GROWING. And I have faith that indians will respect HIP HOP as a genre some day. We rappers just need to stay united.
Whats your views on Beefs in Underground? Few days back Brodha v strictly criticized it.
Read More: Brodha V Talks About Music & Politics
It’s a part of the game. It’s a part of Hip Hop. And I will like to change the word BEEF here with Competetion. Beef is a very Heavy and Serious word that only Underworld Guys would know. Indian Rappers are Not on a level to BEEF right now, there is competetive nature but we can’t call them BEEFS.

Few days back Bohemia while performing said there is a lot of bullshit coming out of india, that ain’t any rap! what’s your take on this??
Read More: Bohemia Talks About Indian Rap Scene

He is right to some extent. But that’s how people grow. I was also writing BASIC LYRICS when I started. Everybody need polishing. So Instead of making statements Like that I think He should come down to people like them and educate them. Bohemia is a legend and Face of punjabi Rap right now, So I think he should educate rappers about what rap is, Its his duty.
Rest, I Got lot of respect for him, and I’m more than a fan, I’m his listener, I Listen what he says and Feel it, He gets my respect. But I’m sure if bohemia checked my songs he won’t be making that statement. haha. Peace & Love.
Why Hiphop fans compare every Rapper with Bohemia?? have you been a victim of this too??
No, I’ve never been a victim of this, Fans gon’ always make comparisons but the truth is everybody has a different story and individuality, I Can’t do what bohemia does and Bohemia can’t do what I do. Everybody have their own sound, so rather than comparing and hating, we all should enjoy the beauty and art, rappers perform in songs.
Any message for the Struggling Rappers and DesiHipHop Readers??
The struggle has begun, We’ll make it to the top one day. If not ME, then YOU.
Hip Hop for ever.