Confession Portrays Betrayal & Realization : King ND


The moment you been waiting for the launch of music video titled Confession, In this track King ND confessed to all those people telling them what he actually think of them.

king nd

When we asked King ND what Confession song is all about, This it what he has to say
“Confession is a journey through bad times which portrays betrayal and realization. It’s a track where I’ve spoken about the time when I was hospitalized and felt like my end was near. It’s a track where I’ve spoken about all the expectations that we have from our so-called friends who weren’t there with us when we were lost. It’s about that one person who you thought was special but turned out to be nothing but the
cause of depression. In my dark hour the people who stood by me was my family and some close friends who I call brothers. Confession is the reality of the people who were around me. It’s less about me and more about them.”

Take a look at the music video below on Youtube & Drop your feedbacks below about it –